From Rte. 9 North and South: Take Rte. 9 to the exit for Rte. 33 East or Freehold Raceway. Go approximately 2.3 miles east. Frankie Fed’s will be on the left after Freehold Cartage.
From NJ Turnpike: Take exit 8 which will be Hightstown Freehold exit. Stay on Rte. 33 to the light at Rte. 33 and Rte. 9. Go straight across, staying on Rte. 33. Frankie Fed’s is approximately 2.3 miles on left after Freehold Cartage.
From Red Bank Area: Take Rte. 537 West to the exit for Kozloski Road, Rte. 55 South. At the intersection of Kozloski Road and Rte. 33, make a right. We are directly on the right hand side.
From Points West: Take Rte. 537 to the intersection of Rte. 33 and 537. Make a right onto Rte. 33, also known as Park Ave. Go approximately 2 miles. We will be on the left just after Freehold Cartage.
From Rte. 79: Take Rte. 79 to the center of downtown Freehold. Turn onto South Street, which is also Rte. 79. Take to intersection of Rte. 33 also known as Park Avenue. Make a left and go approximately 1 1/2 miles. Frankie Fed’s will be on your left after Freehold Cartage.
Frankie Fed's Pizza & Pasta House
831 Highway 33 East • Freehold, NJ 07728
Phone: 732-294-1333
FREE DELIVERY: We’re happy to deliver to your home or office – just give us a call. ($35 minimum)
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Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Sunday: Noon – 8:30pm
Friday & Saturday: Noon – 9:30pm
Closed Monday